Lot of companies have taken the wrong approach that sending out quotations on product is the way to measure new opportunities and have being buying on prices that are far beyond the real price but only because they still “save” compare to what they pay in their own countries.


However, it is important to understand that in China, the price received on a quotation is not the true cost of an opportunity. Logistics, lead times, material prices, exchange rates, quality considerations are just some of the factors that measure into cost. Now, more than ever, understanding the factors that affect cost is important in developing a good sourcing strategy and companies should not make decisions after they have experienced serials losses due to the lack of sourcing strategy.


Red Silk Consulting has extensive experience in trading with China and have been through situation of different countries around the world. Our professional trade expert will help you to define your unique need when you are trading with China and Asia in order to identify potential risk and ensure the cross border compliance.


Our trade support services include:

 Sourcing

 Managing Suppliers

 Customs practices in China

 Logistics and Supply Chain Management

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