E-Learning & Online Webinar

Red Silk Consulting had created a series of over 40 webinar sessions supported by our local team in Shanghai and local expert partners in China in order to engage the China business opportunity to support the knowledge for international trade & investment, China market, trends, design, innovation, insights, and a way forward to recovery plan for the Thai business opportunity in China in post COVID-19.  We really appreciate your participation, and we'd love to know how we can make it better to fulfill knowledge gap in the future. Please click here to complete 3 minute-survey before enroll the webinar. Thank you!


Upcoming sessions :


1. China media landscape 101

2. China Trademark dispute solution guide

3. How to register ICP license & web hosting in China

4. China business strategy guide

5. China customer behavior analysis

6. O2O strategy and case study

7. China retails market

8. Impact of COVID-19 & Chinese economy

9. How to prepare document to register Tmall store

Member or clients of following organizations please contact us at email  webinar (at) redsilk-consulting (dot) com to redeem free access code: